Saturday, May 21

Luxembourg, Luxembourg!

     Another delicious (and included) breakfast in Munich! Then a train to Luxembourg! 
     Six hours of travel today. Because our travel day was so long, we did not have much time to enjoy Luxembourg before all of the shops closed, unfortunately. And shopping seems to be the main thing to do in Luxembourg! There was a large, and very busy, pedestrian area full of shops and markets  in the streets. The architecture here is very different and still very beautiful! Adam and I happened to walk across probably the most scenic spot in Luxembourg City (we figured out it was probably the most scenic spot because it was featured on a lot of the keychains in the tourist shops!). For dinner, we got burgers in Luxembourg! Seems to be their thing. I think the Luxembourgers like the play on words, burgers were in restaurants everywhere. We walked onto a side street, following our noses to someone grilling out in front of their restaurant. We ordered two cheese burgers…it was the most unique cheeseburger I’ve ever had I think, and good! It was a seasoned burger on a baguette with mayonnaise and ketchup!
      Our hotel was a very nice, fancy looking place! It felt very posh! It was a bargain for the price. It was located within a decent walking distance from the train station and from the main shopping area of city. We even had a TV! We enjoyed giving our feet a rest and stayed in watching an entertaining show that was something like Tosh.0 but without the Daniel Tosh commentary.
       Side note: All this train travel has really taught me the value of a minute!

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